Sex is much more than ...
Sex is much more than ...
There is only one temple in the universe, it is a human body.
When we put our hands on the human body, we touch the sky.
Sex is much more than ...
Sex is much more than ...
There is only one temple in the universe, it is a human body.
When we put our hands on the human body, we touch the sky.
Sex is much more than ...
Sex is much more than ...
There is only one temple in the universe, it is a human body.
When we put our hands on the human body, we touch the sky.
Touch, tenderness, understanding
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Intuition, sensitivity, power
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Knowledge, experience, practice
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Welcome to the website of the Body Therapy Center, where the word sex and sexuality takes on a different rea;ity.  If you want to know and understand your possibilities and intimate communication, I invite you to discover its. As Sexological Bodywork, I specialize in understanding how important aspect of our lives is TOUCHING and HEALTHY SEXUALITY.

Many studies show that people enjoying healthy sexuality

  • think better,
  • are more involved in private and professional life,
  • are more friendly,
  • they are less likely to suffer from civilization diseases

– the reason for this is the neurotransmitters, receptors and hormones activated during sex.

But, but … when we have the HEALTHY SEXUALITY? It is the ability to feel yourself, communicate, connect excitement with closeness, the art of feeling with all the senses of the pulsation of life. The word sexuality, burdened with so many contradictory, often negative messages, needs renewal and respect. I teach all people that our body is sacred and our sexual nature is normal and we need sex for joy in life. I teach you to re-connect with touch and our intimate parts.

How OWIDIUSZ was speaked ... The art is cooking, the art is chariot driving ... AND THE ART IS THE LOVE MAKING

Because you can be separated from the body all your life, or stay on sexuality only playful, often mechanical, but you can go into a journey full of joy, of sensations, love, feeling of increasing pleasure, depth of feeling, presence and openness. The choice is yours 🙂

In our Centrum:

We create a safe space

in an atmosphere of acceptance, we deal with body work involving the human being as a psychophysical whole. We believe that a sensitive touch is a wonderful medicine for maintaining health, vitality, as well as helping in states of lowering mood. Touch with mindfulness.

We offer Sexological BodyWork

through education and sexual development. We transfer knowledge and share the experience during of consultations for women, men and couples, in the area of: understanding and improving sex life, getting to know the sexual body, dealing with excitement, learning to touch. Feel yourself.

We teach healthy sexuality

openness to differences in the experience, celebration of sexuality and the respect to the sexual area. We conduct education and consultations on courses for women, workshops for couples, and tantric massage courses. Learn the rules.


You are invited for a session


Kudos for Ms Katarzyna for professional and very relaxing session; for understanding problems I came with, very warm and hearty atmosphere, thanks to which I felt no embarassement or shame. I highly value your commitment, good advice, tips and energetic and refreshing exercises. I can recommend your consultations to everyone who considers sexuality an important area, worth improvement and perfecting.


48 lat

Taking part in "Heatlhy woman's sexuality training" was quite a challenge for me, due to multiple anxieties. Lessons occurred to be varied, full of interesting things to learn, opportunities to discover myself and my body, practical exercises and nice encounters in a female social circle. Thank you, Kathy, for opening the door for me, the door to the mostly unknown world, for valuable tips, patience, support and making me able to feel secure on the way.


36 lat

To co przeżyłam na sesji, terapii dotykiem z Kasią przeszło wszelkie moje oczekiwania. Otworzyły się moje emocje, serce, a z ciała odpadło wiele "kamieni", które nosiłam ze sobą od wielu lat. Nadal kontynuuje terapię i z każdą sesją moje ciało coraz bardziej się otwiera na kobietę wewnątrz mnie. Duże dziękuje za to że jesteś i pomagasz ludziom w uzdrowieniu seksualności.


32 lata

Pani Kasiu masaż tantryczny w Pani wykonaniu to coś cudownego, wręcz nie doopisania. Zachwycam się każdym momentem, podziwiam delikatność i umiejętności dotyku, który poruszył każdy kawałek mojego ciała i ducha. Wstęp z oddechem, czułym dotykiem, pluskiem wody poruszyły do głębi. Wielka uczta od której można się uzależnić. Radość, miłość jaka bije od Pani jest niezapomnianym doznaniem. Jeszcze raz dziękuje i na pewno będę wracał.


54 lata

Kasia otwiera przed kobietami wrota ich własnej kobiecości. Pokazuje proste ćwiczenia, które ułatwiają skontaktować się z ciałem, odkryć mięśnie, o których nie mamy pojęcia 🙂 i rozbudzać cudowną energię. Kasia w bezpiecznej, kameralnej atmosferze poprzez pracę z ciałem pomaga pokonać granice wstydu i odblokować zamrożone emocje. Na każdych zajęciach zaskakiwała ogromną wiedzą, doświadczeniem, a zwłaszcza bezpośredniością i ekstremalną świadomością swojego ciała. Drogie Panie uwaga - efektem ubocznym kursów z Kasią może być wzmożony apetyt na seks 😉


28 lat


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